Đề cương ôn tập môn Tiếng anh trình độ A

03:09, 19/09/2013

(Tài liệu bồi dưỡng thi nâng ngạch lên cán sự, chuyên viên và tương đương
cơ quan đảng, đoàn thể năm 2013)

I.Yêu cầu về nội dung:

1.Ngữ pháp:

1/Cần nắm chắc việc sử dụng các hiện tượng ngữ pháp sau:

a) Thì của động từ: Hiện tại, hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành, quá khứ đơn, tương lai đơn và tương lai gần;

b) Tính từ sở hữu và sở hữu cách: my, your, his, her, Nams…..;

c) Đại từ nhân xưng làm chủ ngữ, tân ngữ, đại từ sở hữu: I, we, you, they, he, she, it/me, us, you, them, him, her, it/mine, ours, yours, theirs, his, hers, its;

d)”There is / there are…”;

e)Các mẫu câu hỏi thông dụng: tên, tuổi, nghề nghiệp, quê quán, số lượng, khoảng cách, thời gian, sinh nhật, câu mời, đề nghị…;

f) A, an, some, any, much, many;

g) This, that, these, those;

h) Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn, thời gian…;

i) Can, could, may, should;

j) Danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được;

k) So sánh bằng, so sánh hơn và so sánh hơn nhất;

l) Havehave got;

m) Tính từ và trạng từ;

n) Liên từ: and, but, so, because, when, until, which, where, although…;

o) Cầu trúc cơ bản trong tiếng Anh.

2.Từ vựng:

Yêu cẩu nắm vững các từ vựng thông dụng thuộc các chủ đề quen thuộc countries; objects; the family; food anh drinks; jobs;leisure activities; rooms; household goods; languages; shops anh shopping; city and country; clothes; the weather; describing feelings; at the airport; at thi train station; in a café, on the phone, school, environment, meals, music, parties, sports, seasons, famous people, TV, love and friendship, people’s background,…

3. Đọc hiểu:

Yêu cầu đọc hiểu và trả lời được các câu hỏi liên quan đến nội dung bài đọc có độ dài từ 100 đến 150 từ thuộc các chủ đề quen thuộc.

4. Viết:

Biết cách hoàn chỉnh câu; chuyển đổi, diễn đạt các mẫu câu cơ bản theo một cách khác sao cho không thay đổi nghĩa., hoặc viết theo một chủ đề.

III. Cấu trúc đề thi:

1.Hình thức: Thi viết

2.Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

3. Nội dung: gồm 05 phần, tổng điểm: 100

a) Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp cho trước để điền vào chỗ trống: 10 câu(20 điểm)

b) Chia động từ trong ngoặc: 10 câu (20 điểm)

c) Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi: 02 đoạn – 10 câu (20điểm)

d) Hoàn chỉnh câu, hoặc viết theo đề tài:  (20 điểm)

e) Viết lại câu thứ 2 sao cho không thay đổi nghĩa: 10 câu ( 20 điểm)

IV. Một số dạng bài tập tham khảo:

1/Exercise 1:

In this section you must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Circle the letter A, B, C or D against the number of each item 1-20 for the word or pharase you choose.

1.My sister is very fond………….chocolate candy.
A. of                          B.about                 C.with                   D.at

2.I have studied English…………eight months.
A. for                         B. since                 C.by                     D.in

3.Listen………..our teacher!
A.with                        B.to                      C.for                     D.in

4.There isnt……food in the house.
A.none                       B.no                      C.some                 D.any

5.He arrives…………at six oclock.
A.at home                  B.home                 C. in home            D. to home

6.Herbert has had his car……….1999
A.ago                         B.since                  C. to                     D.for

7.How long will it……….to get there?
A.cost                        B.lose                             C. make                D.take

8.I…………it to you if you dont have one.
A.give                        B. gave                  C. will                   D.would give

9. ………….your homework yet?
A. Did  you finished   B. Are you finishing         C. Do you finish    D. have you finished

10.Its the best book I…………read.
A.have ever                B. had ever            C. will ever            D. can ever

11. He looked very……..when I told him the news.
A. happily                  B.happy                C.happiness           D.was happy

12.She is……….in history.
A. interests                 B. interested          C. interesting         D. being interest

13.is the Eiffel Tower taller…….Big Ben?
A. then                       B. than                  C.as                      D. of

14.At school, David was…….anyone else in his class.
A. as clever as            B. as clever than    C. cleverer as        D.  cleverest

15. She speaks French…….than you.
A.More faster             B. more fluently     C. well                  D. the most fluently

16. It began to rain while we…………soundly.
A. slept                      B. were sleeping    C. have slept         D. are sleeping

17. She doesnt like coffee, does she?
A.Yes, she doesnt     B. No, she does     C. Yes, she did               D.No, she doesnt

18. I wont go to bed……….I finish my homework.
A.until              B. when                 C.while                           D. since

19. Is this book……………..?Yes, its mine.
A.youre           B. yours                C.you                    D. your

20. ………..do you come to school? By bus
A. How            B. What                C. By                    D. When

2/Exercise 2: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.I(leave) home at 7 oclock every morning.

2. She usually(work) in the Sales Department in London, but at the moment she (do) a training course in Bristol

3. Linda (wash) her hair every day.

4. He(try) very hard in every game that he(phay).

5. Excuse me! I think that you (sit) in my seat.

6. (you/listen)to the radio very often?

7. Dont talk to me now. I (write) an important letter

8. We (go) on holiday to Scotland last year.

9. Yesterday we (walk) to the park and then we (play) tennis.

10.It (snow) when I left home this morning.

11.I tried to explain my problem to her, but she (not/listen).

12.A lot of people (wait) for the 7.30 bus last night.

13. I (meet) them when I was in London.

14. I (never/hear) of this group before. Are they famous in your country?

15. I(not/see) him for months.How is he?

16. (you/ever/win) a competition? Yes, I (win) a photographic competition in 2001.

17. Where are you and your family going to live? Well, we (talk) about that for weeks, but we (not/decide) anything yet.

18.(you/stand) in this queue for a long time? Yes, I (queue) for almost an hour.

19. Why are you crying? Because my brother (have) an accident. He (break) both his legs.

20.We didnt need to queue because I already (buy) the tickets.

3/Exercise 3: Read the passage and answer the questions.

1.My village is about 50 kilometers from the city center. It is a very beautiful and peaceful place and where peope grow flowers and vegetables only. Its very famous for its roses and beautiful scenery. The air is quite fresh;

 however, the smell of roses makes people feel cool. In spring, my village looks like a carpet with plenty of colors. Tourists come to visit it so often. Nowadays, with electricity, it doesnt take the villagers much time to water the roses. And even at night, people can walk along the path and enjoy the fresh smell of the flowers.

1. How far is it from the writers village to the city centre?

2.What is it famous for?

3. Is the air in the village quite fresh?

4.What does his village look like in spring?

5.Why doesnt it take the villagers much time to water the roses, nowadays?

2. English is one of the most popular languages in the world. It comes second in the number of speakers after Chinese. In Viet Nam, more and more people are studying English, considering it a key to success. However, not everyone knows how to learn English effectively.

The best way to improve the four skills, speaking, listening, reading, and writing, is to practice regularly. You should make use of every opportunity to speak English with friends in class or at English speaking clubs or even with yourselves in front of the mirror. Learning by heart all the words does not help much if you do not read a lot because you will easily forget what you have learnt. Reading books, listening to the radio and watching film are better ways to memorize words. Besides, English learners should not be so shy because making mistakes is unavoidable in learning foreign languages. Practicing speaking a lot is a good way to correct your mistakes.

1.What language is one of the most popular languages in the word?

2. Why are more and more people in Viet Nam studying English?

3.Does everyone know how to learn English effectively?

4. What is the best way to improve the four skills?

5. Why should you practice speaking English a lot?

4/Exercise 4: Sentence building

Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.

Example: I/wonder/why you/not/reply last letter.

Answer: I was wondering why you had not replied my last letter.

1.She/a bath/every moring.

2. Now/ she dances/beautifully/than/used to.

3. How long/ it take/him/ get/school/every day?

4. Last Wednesday/Bill/ring/office/nine oclock.

5.I/live/Ho Chi Minh city/ ten years.

6. People/come/all over the world/visit/city/Hiroshima.

7. Billy/an old man that/has to live with his children.

8. Oliver Twist/ first published/1838.

9. It/ too heavy/him/lifl.

10. I/able to/ come/tomorrow.

11. The old man/ want/visit/village.

12. While/I /dinner/phone/ring.

13.you/clean/the bedrooms/yet?

14.It/not easy/answer/these questions.

15. He/ go to word/five days a week.

16. We/not see/each other/10 years.

17. My sister/ start/a new job/yesterday.

18. They/ready/start/now.

19. Lan/like/learn English.

20. Last night/she/come home/10.30

5/Exercise 5:  Finish each of the second sentences withour chaning the meaning

Example: My height is one metre forty centimetres.

  • I am one metre forty centimetres tall.

1.Where do you live? -> What is……………………..

     2. Nam is taller than any students in his class.-> Nam is the………………

    3. We have a break that lasts thirty minutes.-> We have a……………………

    4. When is your birthday?-> What is…………………………………………

    5. The souvenir shop is on the left of the hotel. -> The hotel………………

    6. What interesting films they are!-> How……………………………………..

    7. I often walk from my house to the zoo in fifteen minutes.-> It……………

    8. Lan likes English and Maths most.-> Lans…………………………………

    9. Remember to write a letter to me.-> Dont…………………………………..

  10.My teacher rides a bike to the school every day.

-> My teacher goes………………….

11. My school has fifty teachers and eight hundred pupils.->There………….

12.I never go to school late. ->I……………………………………………..

13. The black car is cheaper than the red car.-> The red car…………………….

14. There is a sink, a tub and a shower in the bathroom.-> The bathroom……….

15. No one in the group is taller than Trung.-> Trung…………………………..

16.Do you have a better refrigerator than this?->  Is this………………………..

17. My house is the oldest house on the street.-> No houses……………………

18.My brother is interested in learning English.-> My brother enjoys………….

19. How about going for a walk?->  Lets………………………………………

20. She was very tired so she went to bed early.

-> She went to bed early……………….



Giấy phép số: 136/GP-BTTTT do Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông cấp ngày 17/3/2022.

Tổng biên tập: Phạm Văn Trường

Phó Tổng biên tập: Trần Vân Anh, Nguyễn Thị Thu Thủy

Tòa soạn: Số 68 Trần Phú, TP Nam Định, tỉnh Nam Định

Điện thoại: 0228.3849386; Email: toasoanbnd@gmail.com